1999 Saturn SL1 Automatic Transmission

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by usatr1, Nov 9, 2006.

  1. usatr1

    usatr1 Guest

    Just got my first 99 Saturn SL1. Its my luck that the transy does not
    shift into the upper gears from the first and the reverse is fine.
    Does this mean transmission is dead? Most of my life I have driven
    manuel so please patient with me if I ask stupid questions. I was told
    this might be just "speed sensor" Shortly, I need some expert help.

    thanx bunch

    usatr1, Nov 9, 2006
  2. usatr1

    BläBlä Guest

    No a wheel speed sensor wont effect the transmission, those only effect
    ABS and Traction Control for the most part. Jiggle the transmission
    harness connector and check the fluid level. Has your car thrown any
    codes? Would make things easier if it has.
    BläBlä, Nov 9, 2006
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