1999 saturn ls2?

Discussion in 'Saturn L-series' started by ganggreen82, Jul 26, 2005.

  1. ganggreen82

    ganggreen82 Guest

    I have a 1999 saturn ls2 and my rear power windows don't work anymore.
    Does anyone have any rear door diagrams of the interior view. Thanks
    ganggreen82, Jul 26, 2005
  2. ganggreen82

    Ratbert Guest

    I don't have drawings, but didn't they have only the "S" series in 1999?
    In that case, you probably have a SL2, not an LS2. If indeed you do
    have an SL2, I've written detailed instructions on how to fix it,
    assuming yours broke in the same way mine did. In any case, I explain
    how to get to the regulator. Do a Google Groups search of this group
    for a thread titled "Broken 98 SL2 Power window fixed cheap" from June
    15, 2003.
    Ratbert, Jul 27, 2005
  3. ganggreen82

    marx404 Guest

    Saturn didnt come up with the L series until the yesr 2000. It may be
    possible thet you have a SL2 if it is prior to that year, although model
    years come out the year prior.

    Either way, there were alot of similarities in the works between the late SL
    models and early LS models. Haynes manual is a very good resource also.

    marx404, Jul 27, 2005
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