1998 Saturn SL1 Coolant Leak/Bad Piston Sleeve

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by dvoeltz, Jul 18, 2005.

  1. dvoeltz

    dvoeltz Guest


    My son's Saturn was losing antifreeze and I was afraid it was going
    into the engine oil. A trip to the local GM dealer (nearest Saturn
    dealer is 240 miles and I didn't want to drive it this far) revealed
    coolant in the oil.

    They thought it was a head gasket so they replaced it but it is still
    leaking into the oil. They now think it is a piston sleeve and are
    working up an estimate. This engine has 45K on it.

    Can a leaky sleeve be fixed or will it need a new engine? And is it
    unreal for me to expect Saturn to cover part of this expense? An
    engine with this few of miles on it should not have this kind of
    problem. And what is the best way to contact Saturn to discuss this

    Thanks for your help. You can email me directly at:

    dvoeltz!@!pie!.!midco!.!net (remove the !'s from the email address)

    Dave in Pierre, SD
    dvoeltz, Jul 18, 2005
  2. dvoeltz

    Steve Guest

    Hi, Dave,
    When I had the infamous engine head problem, my dealer's service manager
    referred me to Saturn Customer Service in Spring Hill, Tennessee
    (http://www.saturn.com/saturn/contactus/index.jsp?nav=7000). From what I
    understand, my service manager confirmed with them that I had maintained my
    Saturn (it was not a neglect problem) so they agreed to cover the cost of
    parts (about $1000 retail).
    Hope that helps!
    Steve T
    Steve, Jul 19, 2005
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