1998 saturn sc1 emits black soot out exhaust

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by taxsee, Nov 3, 2004.

  1. taxsee

    taxsee Guest

    when my saturn sits or idles it omits black sooty residue out the exhaust,
    also the check engine light comes intermittly. I have changed the head
    gasket, plugs, oxygen sensor, pcv valve. It clears up when you drive the
    car, but once you idle, or shut the car off and dont start for sometime it
    starts all over again. the exhaust fumes smell fuel rich. Does anyone have
    any ideas?
    taxsee, Nov 3, 2004
  2. taxsee

    Napalm Heart Guest

    Injector problems?
    Napalm Heart, Nov 3, 2004
  3. Check the CTS (coolant temperature sensor) may be telling puter the engine
    is cold and needs more fuel.
    justastreekin, Nov 3, 2004
  4. taxsee

    BANDIT2941 Guest

    Check the CTS (coolant temperature sensor) may be telling puter the engine
    I'd check for that or the possibility of a stuck open injector. Does it idle
    BANDIT2941, Nov 3, 2004
  5. taxsee

    taxsee Guest

    the engine does not idle high
    taxsee, Nov 3, 2004
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