1996 SL2 Valve cover gasket

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by Jamie@D, Mar 3, 2006.

  1. Jamie@D

    Jamie@D Guest

    I have a 1996 SL2 there is some oil in the # 4 spark plug well. The
    Valve cover gasket has been replaced twice and after I clean the oil
    out of #4 well in about a week or so there is oil on the well wall and
    some at the bottom. It only goes in well #4. Could the well wall be
    cracked or maybe a bad valve cover? Any one with an answer.
    Jamie@D, Mar 3, 2006
  2. Jamie@D

    SnoMan Guest

    Try this, take it apart and replace gasket and coat the gasket in
    question with black RTV silicone automotive gasket sealant. Assemble
    the parts but do not tighten them fully (use only a slightl snug fit.
    Let it sit overnight then torque it to noram; torque to finish seating
    it and I doubt it will leak any more. My son had a old Toyota Tercel
    that leaked a lot and had a bunch of factory bulletins on leaking
    valve cover and pan gaskets. I replaced the gaskets and used the RTV
    mentioned above and as instructed above and it never leaked again.
    SnoMan, Mar 3, 2006
  3. Jamie@D

    p_vouers Guest

    did you buy the complete kit.. the one with the plastic inserts along
    with the gasket. There is also only 2 spots that should get a spot of
    rtv. Did you tork the bolts in the right order and right tork.. 89 inch
    lbs if you didn't you probably warped the cover!!
    p_vouers, Mar 4, 2006
  4. Jamie@D

    Chuck Guest

    I have the same problem, but with #1 and #3 wells. I hear these
    plastic cam covers are prone to cracks. A replacement is >$300.
    Chuck, Mar 6, 2006
  5. Jamie@D

    Lane Guest

    < $30 on eBay.

    Lane [ lane (at) evilplastic.com ]
    Lane, Mar 7, 2006
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