1996 Saturn SL won't start

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by wedgeindy, Aug 24, 2005.

  1. wedgeindy

    wedgeindy Guest

    My boss gave me his '96 Saturn...he bought a 2004 Prius and doesn't want to
    try selling the car...he had it sitting in a field for a year...towed it
    home on sat....iginition comes on, fuel pump goes for a few secs then
    stops...engine turns over but wont' start.

    No spark. New plugs, check plug wires, coil pack has resistnace across
    the twin leads and it's getting 12v constant on the pink wire into the
    coil pack...what else to check and how?

    Please help :<

    wedgeindy, Aug 24, 2005
  2. wedgeindy

    blah blah Guest

    Any hints to how it was acting prior to it sitting in the field?
    blah blah, Aug 25, 2005
  3. wedgeindy

    wedgeindy Guest

    Car was running good...it's got 200K miles on it but it the motor was
    running strong.

    ...teh back door likes to fling open, but that's another story.
    wedgeindy, Aug 25, 2005
  4. wedgeindy

    NapalmHeart Guest

    Does it still have the year-old gas in it?
    NapalmHeart, Aug 26, 2005
  5. wedgeindy

    The Real Tom Guest

    Good point, but he said no spark so that would by the first thing to
    tackle for trouble shooting.

    As for the fuel, I would get rid of the old fuel, and change the fuel

    good luck with your fixes, please keep us up to date.


    tom @ www.donate-car-2-charity.com
    The Real Tom, Aug 26, 2005
  6. wedgeindy

    NapalmHeart Guest

    True, kind of blew over that part.

    How did you check the plug wires? Not knowing how old those wires are, I
    would suspect them.

    NapalmHeart, Aug 28, 2005
  7. wedgeindy

    The Real Tom Guest

    Well there are two ways I was shown:

    1. take the wires and check the ohms across them with an ohm meter, I
    don't remember the specific valuses you should see, but infinite comes
    to mind as bad.

    2. Buy new ones. No sense in wasiting time if the wires are just
    old. ;)


    tom @ www.CarFleaMarket.com
    The Real Tom, Sep 2, 2005
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