1995 SW2 Fuel System

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by FSCHW, Jan 11, 2006.

  1. FSCHW

    FSCHW Guest

    I would like to occasionally add something to my fuel system to keep it
    clean. However, the Saturn manual and the Saturn home office technicians
    say not to because it will destroy a sensor. I have seen fuel additives
    in the store that say they are safe for all fuel systems. Does anyone
    know if this is correct? Are they safe?
    FSCHW, Jan 11, 2006
  2. FSCHW

    SixthSphere Guest

    I have used fuel additives in my 1994 SW2 and have had no problems

    SixthSphere, Jan 11, 2006
  3. FSCHW

    James1549 Guest

    Actually my Saturn dealer has always recommended Tech-ron. I add 1
    bottle to 6 gal of gas (half-tank) instead of the 12 gal of gas. No
    fuel problems.

    James1549, Jan 11, 2006
  4. FSCHW

    punxyguy Guest

    alright I work for a greese monkey and we do fuel injector cleaners. We use
    to things one goes through a pcv or the brake booster line. Which freezes
    the carbon in the motor and cleans it out at the same time we put the gas
    treatment in the tank. I have done so many saturns and I never heard any
    problems about it. The stuff we put through the brake booster is alot
    stronger than any gas treatment. So I wouldn't worry about putting it in
    your car I used both of the above on my saturn and have had no problems.
    punxyguy, Jan 15, 2006
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