1995 Saturn - noisy valves ????

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Brian, Dec 24, 2006.

  1. Brian

    Brian Guest

    I just bought a 95 Saturn SL1 - 1.9 SOHC. The valves sound noisy to me, almost like mechanical
    lifters out of adjustment. Is this noisy valve train common to these 4 bangers ???? It's got plenty
    of frest oil and a filter. The car has 145,000 miles....



    Kill filters - The Enema Of The Usenet !!!!!
    Brian, Dec 24, 2006
  2. Brian

    Brian Guest

    I just bought a 95 Saturn SL1 - 1.9 SOHC. The valves sound noisy to me, almost like mechanical
    lifters out of adjustment. Is this noisy valve train common to these 4 bangers ???? It's got plenty
    of frest oil and a filter. The car has 145,000 miles....



    Kill filters - The Enema Of The Usenet !!!!!
    Brian, Dec 25, 2006
  3. Brian

    Lane Guest

    Is this noisy valve train common to these 4 bangers ????


    If oil changes have been neglected or the oil level not kept up, what you
    are hearing may be a worn timing chain. A noisy timing chain can signal
    impending doom. You may want to have a Saturn mechanic listen to your motor
    to diagnose it.

    Lane [ lane (at) evilplastic.com ]
    Lane, Dec 27, 2006
  4. Brian

    nofalt Guest

    I agree. This is a timing chain. If the chain goes out then your
    engine is toast. It is an interference engine. If the chain breaks
    than the valves stop and the crank keeps turning.... bending the valves
    and damaging the pistons. Not a difficult, but time consuming repair if
    you are mechanically inclined and take your time. The hardest part is
    getting the harmonic balancer off since it is torqued at 185LB. If you
    don't want to do the job yourself it is about 750$ at Saturn and a
    LITTLE less at an independent.
    If you decide to do it yourself then check out another web sight,
    www.saturnfans.com, They are loaded with advise and very knowledgeable
    people. I had never replaced an engine before but after studying that
    websight I bought another Saturn for my son and we put a JY engine in
    with no problem and are going to tear the other one down to see what is
    wrong with it.
    Good Luck,
    nofalt, Jan 1, 2007
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