1993 Saturn SW2 Brakes

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by FSCHW, Aug 2, 2008.

  1. FSCHW

    FSCHW Guest

    FSCHW, Aug 2, 2008
  2. FSCHW

    FSCHW Guest

    FSCHW, Aug 2, 2008
  3. FSCHW

    Doug Miller Guest

    Get a Haynes or Chilton manual for your car from the library or an auto parts
    store, and give it a shot. It's pretty easy on most cars. I'm not sure if
    there's a difference between your Saturn and my '96 and '99, but on mine, all
    you need to do is remove the caliper completely, then just slide the old rotor
    off the hub.
    Doug Miller, Aug 2, 2008
  4. FSCHW

    Shawn Guest

    You remove caliper, then you have to remove the bracket tha the caliper
    bolts to. This bracket has to come off in order to slide the rotors off.
    Make sure to grease the sliders also when you are finished.
    Shawn, Aug 2, 2008
  5. FSCHW

    Bob Shuman Guest

    If you have replaced front disc pads on other vehicles, then you should be
    fine doing the Saturn since they are very similar. Rotors just pop off once
    the calipers are removed and are easier to replace than to turn down and
    re-use. This is a fairly simple job and if you have any mechanical ability,
    you should be fine.

    Bob Shuman, Aug 3, 2008
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