Here's the short question. I'll follow it with the long question. I am looking to replace the fuel filter on my 1993 Saturn. I was looking on ebay and most are for DOHC engines. Question. Will the OHC engine accept a fuel pump that states it is for the DOHC? LONG QUESTION: :) I have been storing this car for son when he turns 16. (He has) The car was given to me about 2 years ago by my mom. She took absolute perfect care of the car, having it maintained at EVERY INTERVAL. She gave it to me, and I have never driven it. I unfortunetely didnt take the proper care for the car for the last couple of years. (#1, I didnt drain the fuel tank). I have started it approximately every 2 months, and it has always started up perfectly. Unfortunetely, the weekend that I planned to get it ready to give to my son, I couldn't get the thing to start. I replaced the Battery and checked the plugs. It had a 1/4 tank of gas at the time. After it not starting, I put about another 1/4 tank of gas into it, to make sure there was some good fuel in it. Nothing. The thing is, I dont even smell any fumes in the engine compartment. As though no fuel is getting to the injectors. One friend told me to replace the fuel filter first, another told me to check and see if I hear a 'Hummmmm' when I turn the key. (I dont'!!) Therefore, I am assuming the worst and plan on replacing the Pump. Question is, Does anyone have any input as to the problem, Abd second. There are pumps on eBay for .00 but they state they are for a DOHC engine. I was wondering if anyone knows if the Single OverHead Cam Engine will take the same pump. (Bolting and all) Thanks all for any input, Jason