1992 SL1 Power Windows Going BAD...

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by Troy Barber, Oct 8, 2003.

  1. Troy Barber

    Troy Barber Guest

    My wife's 1992 SL1 power windows are both going bad; at the same two or
    three intervals on both sides they stop ascending or descending, you get
    an obnoxious grinding noise, and you have to help the window through
    that spot either up or down. I've tried taking the external door panel
    off of my dad's deceased 1993 SL2, and found that next to impossible.
    How can I replace the power modules myself, or would it be easier to
    simply shop around for used manual window doors and forget the benefits
    of power windows, etc.?


    Troy Barber, Oct 8, 2003
  2. Troy Barber

    David Guest

    I think there might be some sort of Tech. service bulletin on the Saturn
    windows -- problems with them seem to be fairly common.
    On my '94, I started having trouble getting the window to go down
    more than half way. I removed the interior door panel and used both engine
    and WD-40 to lubricate every roller and bearing I could find in there.
    It made for a major improvement in how the window operated.
    I was thinking about replacing the regulator mechanism, but it's
    riveted in, and looked like it would be a real pain to remove.
    David, Oct 9, 2003
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