'03 Ion Ride

Discussion in 'Saturn ION' started by teem, Apr 17, 2005.

  1. teem

    teem Guest

    Seems to have gone south as far as smooth ride,can the tires have that
    much influence?,it's approaching the 30K mark.I'll never figure how I
    made it thru the winter with those tires,they can't be all seasons.
    teem, Apr 17, 2005
  2. teem

    marx404 Guest

    search this group for some of the many posts asking about tire
    recomendations. Firestones arent all that great, there are better, search
    and you will find.

    marx404, Apr 18, 2005
  3. I Guess the cords or layers on material could be separating. I don't really
    go for Firestones myself; thats just the stuff the manufacturer got a deal
    on to put on the car when it rolls off assembly.

    Personally, I prefer Falken, Bridgestone or Hoosier tires depending on the
    application(performance-wise.) For good, long wearing, reliable, reasonably
    priced tires for your regular vehicle....a set of Coopers are a safe,
    economical decision. Cooper does have performance line as well.

    Figure out exactly what you want from the tires first. Prioritize
    performance, useage, wear, price, etc.
    Then go to a web search for tire reviews and comparisons, and match up your
    needs to what they present to you. I wouldn't bother asking the tire guys
    and the tire places, because they are just going to sell you what they got
    based on the same info.
    hoosier_drifter, Apr 19, 2005
  4. teem

    Rich Soucie Guest

    isnt brigdestone owned by firestone or is it the other way around. Either
    way they should both be of the same quality.
    Rich Soucie, Apr 19, 2005
  5. You would be correct, and most of the tires are clones. But, they do have
    some good racing tires in the Bridgestone brand (not really street tires at
    all.) I really like the gokart tires they have, but that's a whole
    different ballgame.
    hoosier_drifter, Apr 19, 2005
  6. teem

    teem Guest

    Thanks guys!,So,I can't expect to go to Saturn 7 have a selection of
    tires,just the one(s) they have in stock?.On Tue, 19 Apr 2005 10:25:48
    teem, Apr 20, 2005
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