02 SC1 shakes

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Gif J. Peg, Oct 27, 2005.

  1. Gif J. Peg

    Gif J. Peg Guest

    My SC1 occasionally shakes when idling after initial warm
    up. It sounds like the engine is going to stall sometimes.
    It is happening more frequently. Plugs were replaced about a
    month ago. The car generally runs fine, but when you come up
    to a stop at a red light, once in a while the RPMs drop
    suddenly and like I said it sounds like it could die. Car is
    a 5 speed manual with only 34K miles if it helps to know.
    Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
    Gif J. Peg, Oct 27, 2005
  2. Gif J. Peg

    oligoguy Guest

    Do you get any engine codes? Also, how is your gas mileage?
    oligoguy, Oct 28, 2005
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