01 SL1 Automatic Transmission HELP!!

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by bjohnson8379, Aug 23, 2004.

  1. bjohnson8379

    bjohnson8379 Guest

    Hi. Today I changed the transmission fluid and filter on my 01 SL1
    automatic. After changing, my "check engine soon" light came on and my
    transmisson is shifting rough??? I used Dextron III and the fluid level
    is showing full. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!! Thanks!!
    bjohnson8379, Aug 23, 2004
  2. bjohnson8379

    TC Guest

    Check that you didn't disconnect the trans temp sensor wire by mistake
    when you changed the filter. It's right beside the filter, and very easy
    to pull/rip off.
    TC, Aug 23, 2004
  3. bjohnson8379

    plumnice2u Guest

    Look on google and type in valve body saturn scroll to saturn transmission
    problems ,I have beeen having this problem since 60,000 or so miles and i
    just do not have money to fix but sure its your problem and saturn will
    not back you.
    plumnice2u, Aug 26, 2004
  4. bjohnson8379

    plumnice2u Guest

    look on google type in valve body saturn scroll to saturn transmission
    problems , I have had this problem and no money to fix it since 60,000
    miles now at 72,000 saturn will not back you.
    plumnice2u, Aug 26, 2004
  5. Well, yeah. I don't know anyone who'd give you a freebie repair after
    you've put 12,000 miles on a busted transmission, given that in some
    cases, even a hundred miles after they start acting up can basically
    waste everything. If it's a seal issue, 12,000 miles is more than
    enough to flat out cook the thing good.
    Philip Nasadowski, Aug 26, 2004
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