01 Saturn SC1 door panel removal.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by mark, May 29, 2006.

  1. mark

    mark Guest

    I'm trying to relace the front door speakers in a 01 SC 1. I have all
    the clips on the bottom and front and back of the panel. Its the power
    door lock the is giving me trouble. Any suggestions?
    mark, May 29, 2006
  2. mark

    wavy Guest

    You absolutely SURE you have to remove the whole shebangy?
    On older SC models, the area surrounding the speaker itself was
    wavy, Jun 4, 2006
  3. mark

    mark Guest

    the challenge is i cant pry the bottom front panel back far enough to
    get my whole hand and tools in to remove the speaker. the power door
    lock is the last thing to hold the door panel to the door. The speaker
    grill does not pop off with out breaking the pins that hold the grill
    to the panel. Thank you tho for the suggestion.
    mark, Jun 5, 2006
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