cant smog OB2 drive cycles wont complete97SL2

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by localyocal, Feb 19, 2006.

  1. localyocal

    localyocal Guest

    Last May I tried having my car smoged.It passed the emmissions test but
    failed because my O2 sensors #1and2 had not completed their drive
    cycles.So I went online and learned about G.m.'s drive cycles,and I
    purchased a OB2 scanning tool.I put close to 1,000 miles on the car and
    still these cycles have yet to be deemed ready!Then one day I get a code
    #2 O2 sensor has low voltage.I replaced it.By now its fricking October Dmv
    is not wanting to extend my registration to much longer,Then I get a fuel
    delivery problem and no way would I pass an emissions test cause theres a
    huge amount of black crap coming from my tailpipe.This problem and several
    sets of plugs later and the attemt to replace CTS which is broke off in my
    motor see threads fuel del.CTS post and broke off posts. posted this
    week.Responses are immensly appreciated.
    localyocal, Feb 19, 2006
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