Antifreeze leak

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by oligoguy, Nov 30, 2004.

  1. oligoguy

    oligoguy Guest

    Just replaced my water pump after it started blowing antifreeze all over
    the belt (shouldn't have ignored that rattle coming from the pump). Of
    course the belt helped put a nice even coating on that side of the engine
    compartment. Now I don't think I've seen anybody address this issue, but
    can the antifreeze damage anything? If so, does anyone have any tips on

    For anyone interested, my car is a 2000 SW with 43000 miles, and Dex-Cool.
    oligoguy, Nov 30, 2004
  2. I've had decent results with like castrol superclean and then hosing
    down with water, then driving dry off (let it get hot - take it on the
    highway for a while).

    Theoretically, hosing the engine compartment with water isn't the best,
    though. *shrug*
    Philip Nasadowski, Dec 1, 2004
  3. oligoguy

    Blah blah Guest

    Yeah 1 gallon is enough to eat the aluminum up.
    Blah blah, Dec 1, 2004
  4. oligoguy

    James1549 Guest

    Rinse it off well with a water hose and spray nozzle. You can let it dry before
    running but it won't hurt either way.

    Oh... and don't put that dexcool crap back in there. Get some good green stuff
    that is made for all models. 1 gal should be enough then top off with water.

    James1549, Dec 1, 2004
  5. oligoguy

    Sandra Ayres Guest

    Slightly off topic: Antifreeze is considered a hazardous fluid. At a
    college in Boston, a security guard was topping off the coolant in a
    security vehicle and spilled some. Hey, we have all done it, right? A
    concerned individual called the EPA, who then brought in a hazardous
    material cleaning contractor. Guys in space suits set up the barriers to
    keep the 20 drops from spreading, and then cleaned the area. I am told that
    the cost was approx $5000.

    Sandra Ayres, Dec 4, 2004
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