Change oil soon indicator light

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Ken Knott, Feb 5, 2004.

  1. Ken Knott

    Ken Knott Guest

    I'm wondering what exactly triggers the Change Oil Soon light on a Saturn
    LS2 2000. Is it on a timer or milage linked or does it actually have a
    sensor that checks the oil quality....

    The reason I ask is that mine is coming on when I start my car and goes off
    after about a minute. My oil is only about 1000 miles old, the level is
    fine, and it looks pretty good on the stick....

    Is it possibly linked the my Service Engine Soon light that is perpetually

    The car has 47000 miles.


    Ken Knott, Feb 5, 2004
  2. Ken Knott

    Shawn Guest

    Just had mt 2000 SL1 into Saturn today for an oil change because the change
    oil soon light came on.
    I was told that it is triggered by the amount of starts the car had. I only
    had about 4000 klms on it.
    But was changed back in September.
    Also he said the oil only has about 10 percent life left to it at this stage
    when it is sensored.

    Hope this helps.
    Shawn, Feb 5, 2004
  3. All the dash lights should come on when you switch the key to the on
    position to demonstrate the bulbs work. At least that's my understanding -
    looks like you got a good reply as to how the oil change interval is
    Jonnie Santos, Feb 5, 2004
  4. Ken,

    At only 1,000 miles, it sounds like whoever changed your oil last time may
    not have reset the oil change indicator. This is done by pressing the
    reset button located in the under-hood fuse-box.

    As for your other question, it is definitely guess-work and not any type
    of oil quality sensor. I'm not sure what it's looking at to make that

    Steven Bertsch, Feb 5, 2004
  5. It's not based on time or mileage, it's based on engine revolutions with
    adjustment/penalty factors based on engine operating temperature and engine
    load. After the calculated oil life is used up, the light comes on. My guess
    is that somebody forgot to reset the oil life monitor when they changed the
    oil last..
    Robert Hancock, Feb 6, 2004
  6. Ken Knott

    Jerry Guest

    Gosh, I forgot to reset the oil life monitor when I changed oil in my Saturn
    a week ago...Thanks for remaining!
    Jerry, Feb 6, 2004
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